By switching to virtual interviews, you benefit from accessibility improvements, quicker statement turnaround time, and less travel to face-to-face witness statements.
OneConsultation is a fully supported and customisable virtual consultation service. It utilises Microsoft 365 technology and can leverage existing Teams or Skype for Business deployments. This means you can take statements online via a video connection.
OneConsultation is a Microsoft Azure-based app where members of the public access you via one-click. Connect with witnesses and members of the public from their smartphone, laptop, or tablet.
Witnesses access their video statement in one click and officers ensure those who cannot attend in-person interviews make a statement.

How it works
- A witness joins their video interview via a website. OneConsultation checks their microphone, speakers, and webcam to ensure all is working. Once confirmed, a witness waits in a virtual lobby for an officer to arrive.
- We don’t store any confidential information so we maintain both witness and officer anonymity. There is no need for witnesses to install apps or plugins, ensuring a simple experience. Users join their interview in a few simple clicks.
- When prompted, officers log into their waiting room and a witness arrives for their video interview. When ready, the officer joins via Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business.
- OneConsultation extends the benefits of Microsoft Office 365 to your officers and can be offered as a full end to end service. You can even integrate with your existing scheduling tools and processes.
- OneConsultation is hosted in Microsoft Azure. Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform that ensures compliance, security, and reliability.
Why choose OneConsultation for the police?
Security and cost-efficiencies are natural benefits when implementing virtual interviews. And while members of the public love a faster turnaround time and not having to travel to a local station, police forces see the real benefits of video interviews