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International Women's Day 2024

International Women's Day blog v2

The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is #inspireinclusion, so what better way to celebrate this than by asking some of our female team for their thoughts on inclusion in the workplace, and the tech industry at large. Here’s what they had to say. 

1. What's one piece of advice would you give to women looking to get into the tech industry? 

Helen Wilson – Account Director 

“One piece of advice is to first understand what the tech industry actually is. There’s a misconception that you need to be a data engineer, or a coder, and that’s only a small part of the tech industry. If you’ve got a passion for tech, there’s an array of jobs you can do. It’s about looking at that sector holistically and understanding where you would fit.” 

Katie Msabaha – Head of Project Management 

“Never be shy to ask questions. You can learn from the people around you and build a network that will become the most important thing you have. Connect and be curious around people that can inspire, support, and challenge you.” 

Pilar Baltar – Professional Services Director 

“My one piece of advice is to own the room and define what tech means to you. The tech industry is a lot wider than what you see on the news. Ultimately, technology is a really creative world. I find most women connect well with this creativity and the need to solve problems that impact real life issues and can help people or make things better. You should understand that you have a right to define what technology means to you and how you’re going to use it to better everyone’s experiences.” 

Krysia Jones – Sales Support Manager 

“Just do it! Just apply for the jobs that you want to apply for and don’t overthink it.” 

Latha Balne – Software Engineer 

“Cultivate a strong support network, seek out mentors, join women-focused tech groups and communities, and connect with other women in the field who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement. Having a network of like-minded individuals can provide invaluable insights, resources, and opportunities for growth.” 

2. How do you inspire inclusion in the technology sector? 


“I would encourage everyone to look at successful people in senior leadership in the tech industry, whether that be someone on the TV, in a hyperscaler, or someone you work with, and really look at their background to see how they got where they are today. Remember, you don’t have to start in the same place as someone else to get to where you want to be. 

“Also, use your male peers as allies, ask them questions about their roles, how they got to where they are today, and have a real knowledge-sharing conversation to work out what you want to do.” 


“Inclusion doesn’t tend to happen by accident. It needs to be deliberate, with organisations prioritising it as part of their agenda. The key to inclusion though, is having women role models. Having women in the leadership team has been the catalyst for my own career development.  

“I’ve always been very lucky with amazing male mentors and allies who’ve pushed me beyond my comfort zone. But it wasn’t until I had a female boss that I suddenly had a role model that not only could inspire me but be someone that I could emulate.” 


“When we get to bring our whole selves to work, we do a better job for our clients. We show them that our teams are “real-life people,” with different experiences and backgrounds. 

“Creating a culture and space where people can be their whole selves is the key to inclusion Ultimately, you need to believe that having diverse teams makes a much better experience for everyone.” 

Fatima Holt – Sales Support Executive 

“Women supporting each other is key. Mental health is a big thing so having a team where you have someone to go to where you can openly talk to about any issues you’re having is beneficial for the team.” 

Justine Javelosa – New Business Sales 

“We’ve come a very long way, but I think there is still much to be done, particularly for mothers. Having the right incentives, giving them support to take time off, and giving them a platform to showcase their skills are all important initiatives. Having the correct support and understanding in the workplace culture of how women can work is also key.” 


“Companies can inspire inclusion by not excluding other people. Don’t exclude anyone, make your work flexible, make it inclusive and encourage that culture.” 

3. What more could be done to help women get into the tech industry? 


“I think that it really starts in higher education. There are not enough conversations about what you can do after you leave university, specific to STEM. I think businesses could do better too. We could encourage apprenticeships for those who are coming out of school and want to look at being in the technology sector. The government could do more with grants and provide a real awareness across the country of what’s involved in the technology sector and why it’s thriving.” 


“I think people often think about getting deep into technology, but the industry is very broad and there’s a lot of consultancy skills, people skills, and elements that don’t stand out to people outside the industry. Making that visible to girls at school, people in university, or when you come back into work after having children is vital for helping women into the industry.” 


“I think the tech industry has a branding issue because we tend to see people that are not reflective of who we are. I know a lot of people admire Bill gates, Steve Jobs, and other leaders, but the answer is not to become these icons. It’s to find what inspires you in those leaders and reflect that, showing that there are different paths to success in the industry.  

“I can think of amazing CTOs who are female friends of mine who don’t really look like the stereotype at all. But they are amazing at their job, and part of what makes them amazing at their job is that they’re able to bring different experiences.” 


“Instill more confidence. Regardless of your background, whether you’ve come in from the tech sector before or not, any skill can be implemented. No matter what background you have, you can move into a tech team.” 


“Getting into the tech industry needs to start younger. It should start in nurseries, families, and schools. Encourage children to use tech, play with tech, and remove any gender stereotyping.” 


“Creating a culture of inclusivity requires ongoing commitment and effort from all levels of an organisation. By fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels valued and respected, we can inspire more women to enter and thrive in the tech industry.” 

How is Nasstar driving inclusion? 

Nasstar is fully committed to inclusion and ensuring women feel they have a place within our business. We have several key objectives that support our mission of inclusion, including: 

  • Being recognised as a top place for women to work 
  • Improving the health and wellbeing environment for women 
  • Attracting and retaining more female employees 

Last year, we implemented several new strategies and initiatives to support our diversity and inclusion plan, including improved maternity leave and the formation of our Women in Tech ERG. We have already made some great progress this year too: 

  • We currently have a 28% female workforce – just 12% off our target of a 40% female workforce by 2030 
  • The last three months of recruitment has resulted in 40% of new starters being female 
  • Our Women in Tech Employee Resource Group is working towards several important internal goals such as creating new policies and communities 
  • We have a supportive male allyship program underway 

At Nasstar, we’re committed to creating an inclusive culture every day, not just once a year. Watch our International Women’s Day video, or learn more about our Women in Tech group.