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Microsoft Teams tops tips: Keeping your remote employees engaged

Microsoft Teams tops tips: Keeping your remote employees engaged

We continue to live in unusual times. As the UK Government enforces a formal lockdown to contain the spiralling spread of Coronavirus cases and Boris Johnson urges that the nation “must stay at home, ” the world’s reaction to COVID-19 has led to an influx of businesses implementing Teams at an incredible pace.

Microsoft has seen a considerable spike in Teams usage, increasing from 32 million daily active users to 44 million in the space of just a week – almost double its usage since November 2019. This is largely due to its feature-rich collaborative capabilities that enable remote work and learning across chat, video, and file collaboration.

However, how can you ensure your business and employees are remaining productive, supported, and engaged using these technologies during these unprecedented times?

Top Tips:

  • Help employees adapt to new technologies – With some businesses having limited time to implement remote working solutions such as Microsoft Teams, it can be difficult to empower employees to get the most out of these technologies. Where feasible, organizations should consider Adoption and Change Management programmes to ensure the greater adoption and ongoing success of their deployment.
  • Make time for a virtual coffee break – From virtual “happy hours” to pub quizzes outside of working hours, many organizations are staying engaged and connected via video call. Modality has already introduced e-coffee breaks and fun team groups, but there is lots more to come!
  • Adapt an “always on” video culture – Though Microsoft Teams is fantastic for calls, adapting video conferencing for all meetings will help remote workers feel less isolated. This can help employees feel at ease when reaching out to colleagues and build workplace relationships during a period where employees are most disparate.
  • Share good news – Make the most of your Microsoft technology and use chat, email, Teams and Yammer to mimic the office environment, share good news stories that make us smile during these challenging times.

Nasstar is here to help

With over 14 years of experience delivering Microsoft Modern Workplace solutions to over 1000 organizations across the globe, backed by extensive Managed Services, Adoption and Change Management support, and in-house software that ensures complete governance and security of your Microsoft Teams platform, we are here to help.

If you are looking to implement Microsoft Teams to support your organization’s remote working strategy or need any help or advice during this challenging and sensitive time, we are here for you.

If you’d like to know more information, please book a free consultation